Software Development Linkopedia December 2016

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about project management personalities, better teams, starting a new job, code reviews, agile testing, scaling Agile, IoT and tests quality.

Blog: Implementers, Solvers, and Finders
Blog: Giving better code reviews
Blog: A model of the relationship between Quality, Value, Testing and Risks
Blog: 4 Tips for Starting a New Dev Job

Article: Why Diverse Teams Are Smarter
Article: Technical Dependency Challenges in Large-Scale Agile Software Development (pdf)
Article: Shift Left: Testing in the Agile World
Article: Retrieving Logs in Mobile Apps Testing with Android Studio

Tools: Dagger – static dependency injection framework for Java and Android
Tools: Twister – open source test execution framework
Tools: Free Online Kanban Tools

Video: Post Agile Stress Disorder
Video: Testing Safety in IoT and Embedded Software
Video: The Formulartic Spectrum
Video: How Deep Are Your Tests?
Video: Transforming Good Teams Into Awesome Ones

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