Software Development Linkopedia January 2014

Here is our monthly selection of interesting knowledge material on programming, software testing and project management.  This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about user experience, coding standards, managing developers (and not assholes) and software testers in software development, the dark side of user stories, DSDM, assessing your adherence to Scrum and testing complex systems.

Web site: UX axioms

Blog: Douglas Crockford on coding standards
Blog: A Rockstar Programmer Isn’t the Same Thing as a Smart Asshole
Blog: The Productivity Cycle
Blog: Stop Telling Stories
Blog: Presenting the Scrum Adherence Index
Blog: Is Your Project Team a Rock Band or a Boy Band?

Article: Advice for New Programmers: Choose Your First Language Wisely
Article: Estimation is Evil
Article: Testers Working in an Agile Team
Article: Effective Software Developer Attitudes to QA People

Tools: cuke_sniffer – a ruby library used to root out smells in your cukes.
Tools: Gatling – an open source load testing tool

Video: The Most Important Optimization: Happiness
Video: Must Have 10+ Years People Experience
Video: DSDM: Grown Up Agile
Video: Testing Complex Systems
Video: JUnit Rules

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