Software Development Linkopedia June 2014

Here is our monthly selection of interesting knowledge material on programming, software testing and project management.  This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about Agile project estimation, JavaScript frontend testing and refactoring, retrospectives, software configuration, Test-Driven Development, software tools and NoSQL databases.

Blog: Calculating Velocity FAQ
Blog: Writing Testable Frontend Javascript Part 1 – Anti-patterns and their fixes
Blog: Writing Testable Frontend Javascript Part 2 – Refactor away anti-patterns
Blog: Creating options by slicing features – #NoEstimates technique

Article: Agile Retrospectives: Why They Matter
Article: First Sketches of an App: Planning the Design of a Mobile Application
Article: Branching and Merging: Ten Pretty-Good Practices
Article: Differences in style between Java and Scala code

Tools: CAT CORE –  an open source automation framework for mobile-web applications testing
Tools: Cylon.js is a JavaScript framework for robotics

Video: Strict Test-Driven Development
Video: Martin Fowler and Neil Ford Explain Agile
Video: The Joy of Making Tools
Video: Think Before Using NoSQL on your Next Project
Video: Spring Single Page Applications

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