Software Development Linkopedia June 2015

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about software test automation, what is programming, model-based testing, project estimation.. or not, software architecture, agile software development and a description of how Crisp (Henrik Kniberg’s company) works and why.

Web site: Crisp DNA

Blog: Traits of Exceptional Engineers
Blog: Generic Testing Personas
Blog: Coding is Driving the Car (and More)
Blog: Test Automation: Who Should be Involved?

Article: SPOC: Story POint Cost
Article: Gaining Code Confidence Through Testing
Article: An Introduction to Model-Based Testing and Spec Explorer
Article: Service Point Estimation Model for SOA Based Projects

Tools: Itamae – Lightweight Configuration Management Tool Inspired by Chef
Tools: PhpDependencyAnalysis – PHP Static code analysis

Video: Charting a Course Through Enterprise Architecture
Video: #NoEstimates
Video: Better Selenium Tests with Geb
Video: Agile Essence and Fluency
Video: Essential Skills for Test Automation

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