Software Development Linkopedia March 2021

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about project management participants typology, software delivery, legacy systems, design teams, product roadmaps, how Covid changed us, the differences between hardware and software testing, remote communication, security & DevOps, clean code and exploratory testing.

Software Development Linkopedia March 2021

Website: How to Deal with Difficult People on Software Projects How to classify the different type of people participation to software development project. Click on each animal to expand its description.

Text: Four Magic Numbers for Measuring Software Delivery
Text: Reteaming Often (or how to build a great product while on a boat)
Text: Revamping the Android testing pipeline at Dropbox
Text: Does refactoring Legacy Code pay off in your career?
Text: The State of Design Teams: Structure, Alignment and Impact
Text: How To Build A Product Roadmap Everyone Understands
Text: Statistical approaches for performance analysis
Text: COVID Changed Agile, and Agile Changed Us
Text: How Different Are Software and Hardware Testing?

Video: Effective Project Communication in a Remote First World 2020 has seen a seismic shift in how we work across the IT industry. Remote working and project management, previously the choice of a small minority of IT professionals, has become the de facto standard. This trend is likely to strengthen as workers and companies embrace the myriad potential benefits. The companies that will thrive in this brave new world will be those who can adapt most nimbly. Unfortunately, many have lurched into this situation with little deliberate thought on how their approach to communication should evolve to suit this new operating context.
Video: Security Tooling in Your DevOps Pipeline. This talk explores how you can use tooling and automation to include security early on and throughout a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) DevOps pipeline. Scanning the platform for vulnerabilities and the code for 3rd-party components with known vulnerabilities, using static code analysis and performing dynamic security testing are some strategies that you could use to ensure that security can catch up and keep up with the speed of DevOps.
Video: Writing Clean Code with Modern Java. This live Java coding session explores several features in Java 9, 10 and 11 that enable you to create cleaner code. It discusses factory methods for collections, extended streams, updates to Optional, try with effectively final resources, local variable type inference, and HTTP/2 client. It also presents best practices and patterns for using these features in the context of modern Java applications.

Video: Improve Exploratory Testing with Creativity This video explains how to improve your exploratory testing through LESS preparation but more creativity! One of the characteristics of exploratory testing is that you do less preparation and that you decide on the spot what your next test case will be.
Video: Don’t Walk Away from Complexity… Run! We constantly hear that change should be affordable and cost-effective with Agile. True, but, in reality, that is easily said than done. Complexity makes change hard. We cannot shy away from the hard problems posed by domains and business needs. So, how can we solve complicated problems without getting dragged into the quagmire of what appears to be an inevitable complexity?

Tools: Pinocchio is an open source Electron powered GUI for Puppeteer test generation with Mocha and Chai. It allows users to identify selectors for tests and preview code in the provided code editor. Once the tests have been created, an exportation of the test suites into the user’s application is only a button click away.
Tools: CodeQuality. CodeQuality is an open source that allows to set up coding style and analysis rules for a high code quality in your C# projects.
Tools: Overview of QuAck Open Source Test Management Tool. QuAck is a web-based open-source test management tool that can store test cases and test suites and execute them. It is based on a pluggable architecture that allows implementation of custom authentication providers, integration with tracking and test executing systems. This article presents the key features of QuAck.