Software Development Linkopedia November 2016

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about introvert project manager, scaling Agile, Test-Driven Development, UX vs UI, philosophy and programming, retrospectives, BDD in Java and Agile metrics.

Blog: How Introvert Can Survive as Project Manager
Blog: #AgileAfrica Keynote: Alignment at Scale
Blog: Entropy Crushers
Blog: Dubious Decisions: Passing on TDD

Article: SAFe – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Article: UX Design Versus UI Development
Article: Dependency Injection – SOLID Principles
Article: Real-Time Retrospectives & Agile Improvement
Article: Testing IoT Devices: Key Areas

Tools: Cosmic Ray: mutation testing for Python
Tools: FillDB – Dummy data for MYSQL database
Tools: Open Source Test Data Generators

Video: Psychology, Philosophy and Programming
Video: Agile Metrics: Velocity is NOT the Goal
Video: Fixing Performance Problems
Video: What to Do When Scrum Doesn’t Work
Video: Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) in Java with JGiven

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