Software Development Linkopedia October 2015

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about software testing mindmaps, remote retrospectives, testing patterns, DevOps, Agile documentation, UX deliverables, Agile testing, Agile metrics and responsible software development.

Website: Software Testing Mindmaps

Blog: Sprint Retrospective Exercise for Remote Scrum Teams
Blog: Introducing the Software Testing Cupcake (Anti-Pattern)
Blog: Five Tools Every Business Systems Analyst Should Use

Article: What Software Architects Need to Know About DevOps
Article: Best Practices for Agile / Lean Documentation
Article: Which UX Deliverables Are Most Commonly Created and Shared?

Tools: SeLite – Database-driven browser test automation. SeLite automates browser navigation and testing. It extends Selenium.
Tools: TestScribe is a tool that automates testing a piece of PHP code in isolation. Testing a piece of code in isolation is useful. But the traditional method of writing unit tests to do this kind of testing is tedious and time consuming.

Video: How Testing Adds Value in an Agile Context
Video: Agile Metrics That Matter
Video: The Responsible Software Developer
Video: Confessions of a Former Agile Methodologist