Software Development Linkopedia October 2017

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about Selenium, startup, product roadmap, JUnit 5, technical management, software testing, flaky tests, sociocracy and continuous delivery.

Web site: Elemental Selenium

Text: Welcome to Our Startup Where Everyone is 23 Years Old Because We Believe Old People Are Visually Displeasing and Out of Ideas
Text: Dear Product Roadmap, I’m Breaking Up with You
Text: JUnit 5 – Next Generation Testing on the JVM
Text: From Engineer to Manager: keeping your technical skills
Text: Using Equivalence Partitioning in Software Testing
Text: Six Ways Agile Can Mean Static
Text: Plain Language Is for Everyone, Even Experts
Text: Functional Testing Scenarios for Mobile Apps

Video: Delivering Unicorns
Video: Enterprise Wide Agility With Sociocracy 3.0 (S3)
Video: Winning with Flaky Test Automation
Video: We Are Agile. Now What?
Video: Automated Testing for Continuous Delivery Pipelines

Tools: Owl is a tool used for test results reporting and presentation.
Tools: provides comprehensive UML modeling, execution and translation capabilities

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