Software Development Linkopedia September 2014

Here is our monthly selection of interesting knowledge material on programming, software testing and project management.  This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about the software developer condition, scaling Agile, technical debt, behavior-driven development, Agile metrics, UX (user eXperience), NoSQL databases and software design.

Blog: The Developer is Dead, Long Live the Developer
Blog: Scaling Agile at Gilt
Blog: Technical debt 101
Blog: Behaviour Driven Development: Tips for Writing Better Feature Files

Article: Acceptance Criteria – Demonstrate Them by Drawing a House
Article: Actionable Metrics At Siemens Health Services
Article: Adapting Scrum to a UX Model
Article: Software Developer Careers Considered Harmful

Tools: Cedar – BDD-style testing using Objective-C
Tools: Crate – a real time SQL data store

Video: Core Software Design Principles
Video: Achieving Self-Testing Code
Video: Patterns: a New Standard for Scrum
Video: Aggregation in NoSQL Databases
Video: Integrating Your Java IDE & Gradle

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