Linkopedia December 2009

Post: Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Post: Programmers humor Post: Reduce Manual Test Debt Article: A Checklist of Questions to Consider Before Starting a Large-Scale Agile Adoption Article: A performance benchmark method for comparing open source Java application servers Nitrogen is an Erlang Web framework Speed Test is a …

The Process of Software Architecting

This book presents the influence of architecture in the software development process. The interesting aspect of this book is that is it a thoroughly presentation of the architecture role in the software development activities, not only at initial analytic stage but also at the subsequent tasks like software testing or …

Linkopedia November 2009

AltNETpedia Software Process and Measurement Cast COBOL on Cogs Perspectives – One Size Does Not Fit All Article: Mastering Grails: Mock testing with Grails Article: The Tao of Screen Design Article: The Clojure programming language JRaptor – a Java MVC framework Approval Tests – an assertion-based testing framework for C#, …