Software Development Linkopedia May 2016

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about software engineering myths, programming career, fixing things, optimization projects, mobile testing, minimum viable products, scaling Agile, lean business analysis and javaScript testing at Facebook.

Software Development Linkopedia March 2015

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about software development culture, project estimation, checking the health of your project team, the costs and benefits of unit testing, product backlog management, mobile architecture, test …

Software Development Linkopedia October 2014

Here is our monthly selection of interesting knowledge material on programming, software testing and project management.  This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about managing code duplication, product backlog prioritization, engineering management, organizational culture, mobile testing, code reuse and big data.

Software Development Linkopedia February 2014

Here is our monthly selection of interesting knowledge material on programming, software testing and project management.  This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about coding in Java, project planning, Scrum and Kanban, debugging, user interface quality,  diversity in programming, agile metrics and software testing in a continuous …

Mobile Testing, Scrum Sprint and Software as a Business in Methods & Tools Summer 2013 issue

Methods & Tools – the free e-magazine for software developers, testers and project managers – has just published its Summer 2013 issue that discusses the following topics: Mobile Load Testing, Scrum Sprint Length, Software Developer Business Patterns, Git-TFS, Apache Isis.