Quote of the Month September 2017
Best practice hates contexts, better practice loves contexts. — Hermanni Hyytiälä (@hemppah) August 25, 2017
Best practice hates contexts, better practice loves contexts. — Hermanni Hyytiälä (@hemppah) August 25, 2017
This editorial was inspired by a quote from Mary and Tom Poppendieck’s book “Lean Mindset“. They wrote “What’s next is to stop thinking about software development as a delivery process and to start thinking of it as a problem-solving process, a creative process.”
Principles Trump Diagrams. Most of the problems in using the 1988 spiral model stemmed from users looking at the diagram and constructing processes that had nothing to do with the underlying concepts. This is true of many process models: people just adopt the diagram and neglect the principles that need …
As Agile becomes widely accepted as a software development approach, many large organizations have adopted it, mainly in its Scrum form to reduce development cycle. There might be even a fair share of adopters that are trying really to apply Agile values. If the topic of scaling Agile has been …
The important thing is not your process, the important thing is the process for improving your process.
SEMAT (Software Engineering Method and Theory) is an initiative to reshape software engineering such that software engineering qualifies as a rigorous discipline. SEMAT and Essence are big thinking for software developers.