Software Development Linkopedia February 2018

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting informations and opinions about software architecture, developers on call, holacracy, Scrum, continuous testing, product management, saying thank you, tech leadership, customer journey maps, code reviews, code sharing, good bugs, android testing and open source project management.

Web site: The C4 model for software architecture

Text: What can developers learn from being on call?
Text: Holacracy vs Scrum : Presidential Debate
Text: Is Predictability Really What We Want?
Text: Continuous Testing in .NET
Text: Great product managers don’t spend their time on solutions
Text: On being thankful at work
Text: Tech Leadership Principles
Text: Customer Journey Maps – Walking a Mile in Your Customer’s Shoes

Video: Four Years of Scrum: The Good, The Bad & The Ho Hum
Video: 10 Steps to Continuous Integration, Testing and Delivery
Video: The Good Bad Bug: Fail Your Way to Better Code
Video: Successful Code Sharing Principles for Mobile Development
Video: Code Reviews: Honesty, Kindness, Inspiration: Pick Three
Video: Building the World One Line of Code at a Time

Tools: Green Coffee is a library that allows you to run your acceptance tests written in Gherkin in your Android
Tools: WebCollab is a collaborative web-based system for projects and project management

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