Should Developers Come Only from Mars but Project Managers from Venus?

Once upon a time was the “software crisis” that persuaded people to “engineer” software in a 1968 NATO conference. Methods were created to structure the requirements and the software development process. They use models to define more precisely the requirements and the target system. They had a top-down approach that …

Confessions of a Serial Product Owner

Anna Fors gave me the opportunity to host “Confessions of a Serial Product Owner” on This free e-book is a short guide to a business person aiming for becoming an excellent Scrum product owner. A further iteration of the experiences of Anna as a product owner will be published in the …

Between the Magic Quadrant and the Bermuda Triangle

Software vendors are always proud to communicate evaluations from research companies that indicate how good their products are. These ratings are to the software development tools market what the gastronomic guides are for restaurants. You always wonder what is their exact credibility, as relationships between analysts and vendors are not …

Linkopedia February 2009

DevCreek is a community dedicated to improving software quality through the collection, analysis and sharing of project metrics. is a open forum to share ideas and interact with other people interested in domain-driven design. Apache Cayenne is an open source persistence framework providing object-relational mapping (ORM) and remoting services …