Software Development Linkopedia April 2017

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about team complexity, developer burnout, blaming, tester skills, code coverage, integration testing, front end architectures and agile antipatterns.

Text: Team of Teams & Complexity: An Approach for breaking down Silos
Text: The Reality of Developer Burnout
Text: Reinventing Testers and Testing to prepare for the Future
Text: Teach Writing Code First
Text: Looking for the Right Testers Skills
Text: Blame. Language. Sharing.
Text: End to End Kanban for the Whole Organization
Text: Improve Testing with Relevant Code Coverage

Video: Evolution of Front End Architectures
Video: Agility, Scalability & Autonomy
Video: Test Data: Food for Test Automation Framework
Video: Integration Testing from the Trenches
Video: 7 Sins of Scrum and other Agile Antipatterns

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