Software Development Linkopedia August 2021

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about responsible software development, remote teams, legacy code, QA outsourcing, cone of uncertainty in Scrum, becoming a bad developer, team alignment, QA documentation, testing in production and scaling agile.

Software Development Linkopedia August 2021

Text: How to Build Tech You Won’t Regret
Text: Creating connected remote teams
Text: Legacy Code May Be The Friend We Haven’t Met Yet
Text: Minimizing Risks in QA Outsourcing
Text: The Cone of Uncertainty in Scrum
Text: How to Become a Bad Developer
Text: Software Development Project Team Alignment
Text: Documentation Used by Software QA Engineers

Video: Project Team Structures Jeff Gallimore, CTIO and Co-founder of Excella, describes how to structure software development teams to optimize flow, the delivery of value, and accountability. Principles from Lean and DevOps inform decisions about team structure.
Video: Testing in Production at LinkedIn If you cannot ship to production with confidence, write tests until you can! This video will help you design a testing strategy for your products. Keep writing great tests!
Video: How to Value User Stories? Business value, business value, business value. This presentation from Allan Kelly explores how to put a value on stories in a backlog while uncovering new requirements, elaborating specifications and valuable opportunities.
Video: Scalable, Harmonious Concurrency for Java Concurrent applications, those serving multiple independent application actions simultaneously, are the bread and butter of Java server-side programming. The thread has been Java’s primary unit of concurrency since Java’s inception, and is a core construct around which the entire Java platform is designed, but its cost is such that it can no longer efficiently represent a domain unit of concurrency, such as the session, request or transaction.
Video: Simplified Web App Development with Svelte
Rather than including a runtime library, Svelte compiles to bundled JavaScript that is very small compared to other approaches. Svelte applications launch quickly because there is less to download. Svelte components achieve “reactivity” without using a virtual DOM.
Video: Scaling Agile with the Spotify Model For a long time Spotify people have tried to convince the world that there is no “Spotify Model” and if there ever was one, Spotify isn’t using it anyway, and you shouldn’t either. And yet, countless organizations are using the Spotify model to drive their Agile transformations and scale Agile, some of them claiming huge successes.
Video: WebdriverIO Nuts and Bolts This talk presents everything you need to know to run a successful, stable and maintainable WebdriverIO open source browser and mobile testing tool for Node.js. Christian explains you everything from the basic concepts up to complex testing strategies you can do with WebdriverIO like frontend performance testing as well as complex browser interaction with Puppeteer.

Tools: Svelte is a free and open-source front end compiler that converts app code into client-side JavaScript at build time. Svelte applications do not include framework references. Instead, building a Svelte application generates code to manipulate the DOM, which may reduce the size of transferred files as well as give better client startup and run-time performance.
Tools: Orion is born to change the way we implement our acceptance tests. It takes advantage of HCL from Hashicorp t o provide a simple DSL to write the acceptance tests. The syntax is inspired in Gherkin.