Software Development Linkopedia February 2016

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about web development, limiting software testing, story mapping, software architecture, changing organizations, UX testing, technical debt, good code and bad tests.

Blog: The Sad State of Web Development
Blog: Just Say No to More End-to-End Tests
Blog: Story Mapping, Visual Way of Building Product Backlog
Blog: Why Should Software Architects Write Code?

Article: Seven Pitfalls to Avoid During Organizational Transformation
Article: Usability Testing Myths and Misconceptions
Article: Introducing the Agnostic Composition Controller Pattern
Article: Tools to Assess and Manage Technical Debt
Article: Software Testing State and Trends 2015-2016

Tools: EarlGrey is an open source native iOS UI automation test framework developed by Google
Tools: WebdriverIO is a testing tool module for Node.JS. It makes it possible to write Selenium tests in your favorite BDD/TDD test framework that will run locally or in the cloud.

Video: Your Code Smells
Video: Architecting Well-Structured Java Applications
Video: All Your Tests are Terrible
Video: Agile is Dead
Video: Onion Architecture Without the Tears
Video: Secure Coding Patterns

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