Software Development Linkopedia July-August 2018

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about programmer burnout, test automation, negotiation, maintenance, refactoring, software architecture, agile testing, technical debt, test management and retrospectives.

Text: A Programmer Burnout Story; How to Recognize it And Avoid it
Text: Ten sentences with all the Scrum Master advice you’ll ever need
Text: The Dark Side of Test Automation
Text: Negotiation Cheat Sheet
Text: DoD (definition of done) defines agility
Text: Storyboards Help Visualize UX Ideas
Text: That’s not our code
Text: The testing renaissance

Video: The Natural Course of Refactoring
Video: No Spaghetti with Software Architecture Foundations
Video: Managing a Technical Debt Portfolio
Video: Agile Testing: BDD for Everyone
Video: Building a Customer Quality Dashboard
Video: Servant Leadership

Book Review: Environment for Agile Teams
Book Review: A Coach Guide to Agile Testing

Tools: Neodymium is an open source software testing library tries to solve your typical and most pressing UI test automation problems by combining JUnit, WebDriver, BDD/Cucumber, and proper reporting. It gives you ready to use templates, assembles well-known open source projects, and enhances this all with additional functionality that is often missing.
Tools: Papyrus is an Eclipse-based industrial-grade open source Model-Based Engineering tool. Papyrus enables model-based techniques: model-based simulation, model-based formal testing, safety analysis, performance/trade-offs analysis, architecture exploration. To address any specific domain, every part of Papyrus may be customized: UML profile, model explorer, diagram notation and style, properties views, palette and creation menus, and much more.
Tools: Open Source Test Management Tools
Tools: Commercial Scrum Retrospectives Tools