Software Development Linkopedia March 2015

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about software development culture, project estimation, checking the health of your project team, the costs and benefits of unit testing, product backlog management, mobile architecture, test coverage and user experience.

Blog: Culture Change: Reinventing Organizations
Blog: Why you suck at estimating – a lesson in psychology
Blog: Squad Health Check model – visualizing what to improve
Blog: Selective Unit Testing – Costs and Benefits

Article: The Significance of Release Retrospectives
Article: Mobile OS Architecture Trends – Part I
Article: Introduction to HBase, the NoSQL Database for Hadoop
Article: A Product Backlog Prioritization Technique

Tools: Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS
Tools: Etherpad provides collaborative editing in really real-time

Video: Test Coverage at Google
Video: Unblocking Developer Creativity
Video: Story Map the User Experience
Video: Mobile Tester and Developer Working Together
Video: Java for Communications
Video: Building a Stronger Coding Culture

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