Software Development Linkopedia November 2018

Here is our monthly selection of knowledge on programming, software testing and project management. This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about high-performing teams, the mikado method, managing dependencies, software metrics, enterprise software design, balancing coding and management, agile podcasts, .NET, mobile & PHP testing.

Text: 11 Essential Elements to Build High-Performing Engineering Teams
Text: Legacy Code: The Mikado Method
Text: Eliminate Dependencies, Don’t Manage Them
Text: Most Complete NUnit Unit Testing Framework Cheat Sheet
Text: How do you set metrics?
Text: How we design enterprise software
Text: The delicate balance between coding and managing
Text: Agile & Scrum Podcasts

Video: Vertical Software Architecture
Video: 7 Years of Domain-Driven Design
Video: Author: The Structure of Software Development Revolutions
Video: REST APIs and WebDriver
Video: 14 Things Every Agilist Should Know About Kanban

Tools: coteafs-appium is a wrapper for Appium that supports test automation for Android and iOS devices and emulators.
Tools: Open Source Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) Tools for PHP