Software Development Linkopedia October 2014

Here is our monthly selection of interesting knowledge material on programming, software testing and project management.  This month you will find some interesting information and opinions about managing code duplication, product backlog prioritization, engineering management, organizational culture, mobile testing, code reuse and big data.

Blog: Practical Guide to Code Clones (Part 1)
Blog: Practical Guide to Code Clones (Part 2)
Blog: Selecting Backlog Items By Cost of Delay
Blog: WIP and Priorities – how to get fast and focused!
Blog: 44 engineering management lessons

Article: Do’s and Don’ts of Agile Retrospectives
Article: Organizational Culture Considerations with Agile
Article: Is UX Investment Worth It?
Article: Are Prejudices Stopping your Agile Efforts?
Article: Open Source Android Testing Tools

Tools: phpspec is a php toolset to drive emergent design by specification.
Tools: AndroidJUnit4 is an open source framework to run JUnit4 tests on Android devices

Video: Strategic Code Reuse
Video: 7 Ineffective Java Coding Habits
Video: SQL, the Underestimated Big Data Technology
Video: Toyota Kata
Video: Old Code, New Tests

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